We would like to invite you to read this letter. It is a letter written to every person. The content is drawn from the Bible. You will find the references in brackets.

You are important to me

I know you better than anyone else does. All of your desires, motives, and needs are familiar to me. (Psalm 139, verse 1)  I know when you lie down and when you get up. I even know what you’re thinking. (Psalm 139, verse 2)  I am familiar with your ways and goals. (Psalm 139, verse 3)  Even the hair of your head have been numbered. (Matthew 10, verse 30)

Guten TagI already knew you before your parents even thought about you. (Jeremiah 1 verse 5)  I formed you in your mother´s womb. (Psalm 139, verse 13)  You are no accident; no result of evolution. I wanted and planned you. Even your future lies in my hands. (Psalm 139, verses 15-16)  You are uniquely and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139, verse 14)  I have cared for you since the day of your birth. (Psalm 71, verse 6)  I have many good things to give you. (James 1, verse 17)

I invite you to be my child. (John 1, verse 12)  Because until now, you have wandered your own paths and have ignored me, our ways have parted. (Isaiah 53, verse 6)  But it doesn´t need to stay like this. My son Jesus is the way to reconcile us and to bring you back to me. (John 14, verse 6)  Because of him my love to you became visible about 2000 years ago. (John 3, verse 16)  Back then he died on the cross for your wrong doings and decisions so we could be reunited again. (2 Corinthians 5, verses 18-19, and 21)

I raised Jesus from the dead. He lives. (Acts10, verse 40)  Put your life in his hands and it will succeed. (Psalm 37, verse 4)  If you take the gift of forgiveness, there will be nothing between us. (Romans 8, verses 38-39)

The question is: Do you want to be my child? (John 1, verses 12-13)  I am waiting for you. (Luke 15, verses 11-24)

Your God, who loves you

Would you like to get to know this God better and discover your role in the story? If so, please continue on the page entitled “Discover Life”.